Joining streamed data to reference data

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Joining streamed data to reference data

Porritt, James

I was hoping to join a StreamTableSource to a BatchTableSource, but I find it’s not simple. A couple of questions:


1)      Other than just pushing the DataSet to a Kafka topic (either internally or externally to the application) and reading it into a DataStream are there any means of doing the conversion?

2)      Are there any plans to get OrcTableSource to be both StreamTableSource and BatchTableSource instead of just a BatchTableSource?




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Re: Joining streamed data to reference data

vino yang
Hi Porritt,

Flink does not support streaming and batch join, currently, streaming and batch job are both independent.

I guess your use case is streaming and dimension table join?  Unfortunately, it's not possible for the Flink SQL API to join a stream with a common dataset now.

As a workaround, if the table is just a tiny one, you can achieve a inner/left outer join with the user defined table functions :

I did not see any plan about this.

Thanks, vino.

2018-07-20 17:29 GMT+08:00 Porritt, James <[hidden email]>:

I was hoping to join a StreamTableSource to a BatchTableSource, but I find it’s not simple. A couple of questions:


1)      Other than just pushing the DataSet to a Kafka topic (either internally or externally to the application) and reading it into a DataStream are there any means of doing the conversion?

2)      Are there any plans to get OrcTableSource to be both StreamTableSource and BatchTableSource instead of just a BatchTableSource?




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50 Berkeley Street, London, W1J 8HD.

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Re: Joining streamed data to reference data

Dawid Wysakowicz-2
Hi James,

1) Unfortunately, Flink does not support DataSet with DataStream joins as of now. If the "batch" table is small enough you might try the solution suggested by Vino to load it in the UDTF. You can also try implementing the Stream version of this table yourself. You can use the org.apache.flink.table.sources.CsvTableSource and org.apache.flink.orc.OrcRowInputFormat as examples.

2) Providing better out-of-the box support for multiple source and formats in high on the roadmap for upcoming releases. So I would guess you can expect support for orc in stream in the nearest future.


On Fri, 20 Jul 2018 at 11:59, vino yang <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Porritt,

Flink does not support streaming and batch join, currently, streaming and batch job are both independent.

I guess your use case is streaming and dimension table join?  Unfortunately, it's not possible for the Flink SQL API to join a stream with a common dataset now.

As a workaround, if the table is just a tiny one, you can achieve a inner/left outer join with the user defined table functions :

I did not see any plan about this.

Thanks, vino.

2018-07-20 17:29 GMT+08:00 Porritt, James <[hidden email]>:

I was hoping to join a StreamTableSource to a BatchTableSource, but I find it’s not simple. A couple of questions:


1)      Other than just pushing the DataSet to a Kafka topic (either internally or externally to the application) and reading it into a DataStream are there any means of doing the conversion?

2)      Are there any plans to get OrcTableSource to be both StreamTableSource and BatchTableSource instead of just a BatchTableSource?




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50 Berkeley Street, London, W1J 8HD.