Hi RKandoji,
> Could someone please tell me what is the best way to check amount of heap consumed by Job Manager?
I'm not sure if there is a best way to achieve this. However there are some workaround ways.
1. Through metrics [1]
2. Print GC in stdout. You could achieve it through config item "env.java.opts.jobmanager", like "env.java.opts.jobmanager: -XX:+PrintGCDetails".
> Also is there any relationship between heap memory settings and checkpointing, I did not see any but curious.
I guess there is no direct relationship between memory settings ant checkpointing. However I don't think there is a short answer which could explain this clearly. Like OOM or heavy full GC, they could affect almost everything, of course checkpointing is also included :)
Could someone please tell me what is the best way to check amount of heap consumed by Job Manager?
Currently I added huge heap of 20GB for both Job Manager and Task Manager. I'm able to see task manager heap usage on UI but not for Job Manager.
I would like to decide how much heap to allocate based on usage.
Also is there any relationship between heap memory settings and checkpointing, I did not see any but curious.