Jersey conflicts

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Jersey conflicts

Flavio Pompermaier
Hi to all,

in my Flink job I have to call an external REST web service (the client use Jersey 2.13) but this conflicts with the jersey classes shaded within flink-shaded-include-yarn. Is there a way to make them compatible?

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Re: Jersey conflicts

Stephan Ewen
If YARN is architected reasonable, we should be able to exclude them from the YARN dependency, because we are not using any of those classes.

This needs careful validation and testing, though...

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:44 AM, Flavio Pompermaier <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi to all,

in my Flink job I have to call an external REST web service (the client use Jersey 2.13) but this conflicts with the jersey classes shaded within flink-shaded-include-yarn. Is there a way to make them compatible?


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Re: Jersey conflicts

Flink should also work without the YARN code.
The name of flink-shaded-include-yarn is a bit misleading. The name should actually be "hadoop-with-yarn". 
So jersey is not necessarily a dependency of YARN, it could also come from other components of YARN.

So on our side, we can most likely exclude the jersey dependency from the shaded jar.
For now, is it possible for you to use the same jersey version we (=hadoop) is using?
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Re: Jersey conflicts

Flavio Pompermaier
No, I can't unfortunately.
I just excluded  flink-shaded-include-yarn from my dependencies for the moment ;)

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Robert Metzger <[hidden email]> wrote:
Flink should also work without the YARN code.
The name of flink-shaded-include-yarn is a bit misleading. The name should actually be "hadoop-with-yarn". 
So jersey is not necessarily a dependency of YARN, it could also come from other components of YARN.

So on our side, we can most likely exclude the jersey dependency from the shaded jar.
For now, is it possible for you to use the same jersey version we (=hadoop) is using?