Java heap size

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Java heap size

I developed a program with Flink using OS X. Following the doc so I put in
VMArguments of "Run configuration" in eclipse the value: -Xmx800m in order
to increase heap memory.

I'm using an external lib on flink but all worked perfectly... until now. I
modified something in the use of this lib and now I get this error when the
first checkpoint occurs:

Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

It should be noted that if I disable checkpointing everything works fine.

I searched a bit on google and I tried to change backend as suggested by the
error stack trace, so in flink-conf.yaml I put  

state.backend: filesystem

because MemoryStateBackend seems to be adequate just for testing but never
Which could be the problem?

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Re: Java heap size

I also tried using rocksdb and increasing heap size for job manager and task
manager to 3072 mb from 2014.
Anyway no good news.

14:07:33,973 INFO  org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator    
- Triggering checkpoint 1 @ 1505131653970
14:07:40,027 INFO
org.apache.flink.runtime.state.DefaultOperatorStateBackend    -
DefaultOperatorStateBackend snapshot (In-Memory Stream Factory, synchronous
part) in thread Thread[Async calls on Source: Custom Source ->
Timestamps/Watermarks (1/1),5,Flink Task Threads] took 11 ms.

Then crash

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