Is it possible to customize avro schema name when using SQL

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Is it possible to customize avro schema name when using SQL

tao xiao
Hi team,

I want to use avro-confluent to encode the data using SQL but the schema registered by the encoder hard code the schema name to 'record'. is it possible to dictate the name? 

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Re: Is it possible to customize avro schema name when using SQL

Nicolaus Weidner
Hi Tao,

This is currently not possible using Table API, though this will likely change in a future version. Currently, you would have to do that using the Datastream API [1] and then switch to the Table API.

Best wishes,

On Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 9:55 AM tao xiao <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi team,

I want to use avro-confluent to encode the data using SQL but the schema registered by the encoder hard code the schema name to 'record'. is it possible to dictate the name? 
