I am newbie in Apache Flink and our team is trying to set up an Apache Flink Cluster on Apaches Mesos. We have already installed Apache Mesos & Marathon with 3 Master nodes and 3 Slaves and now we are trying to install Apache Flink without DC/OS as mentioned here https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.3/setup/mesos.html#mesos-without-dcos.
I have couple of questions over here :
Do we need to download Flink on all the nodes(master and slaves) and configure mesos.master in all nodes?
Or Shall we download flink on only one master node and configure mesos.master over there?
If flink needs to be downloaded on all the nodes then what should be the location of flink directory or if there is any script where I can specify that?
Is running "mesos-appmaster.sh" on master node also responsible for running flink libraries and classes on slaves?
Rahul Raj