Hi Jayant,
Yes, you don’t have to use an anonymous class for the sink function. An actual separate class works just as fine.
The class fields don’t need to be marked as transient or checkpointed, since they should just be constants that come with instantiation of the sink function, or could even be static fields, for example.
On 8 June 2018 at 12:55:57 PM, Jayant Ameta ([hidden email]) wrote:
I'm trying to integrate
ElasticsearchSink in my pipeline. The
example shows using Anonymous class which
implements ElasticsearchSinkFunction. This is passed as a
constructor argument to another anonymous class which extends
Can I create a separate class instead
of using anonymous classes?
If I do so, I'll have to have index
and type as class level fields. How is state maintenance done for
class level fields? Do I need to mark the fields as transient, and
implement CheckpointedFunction?