Hi, community: We used flink 1.9.1, both SQL and DataStream API to support multiple sinks for product envs. For example, tableEnv.sqlUpdate("INSERT INTO dest1 SELECT ...") and table.toAppendStream[Row].addSink(new RichSinkFunction[Row] {...}).name("dest2"), and env.execute() to submit the DAG together, and result will sink to dest1 or dest2 or both. Now I try to update flink to 1.11.2, according to [1]-Attention,use tableEnv.execute() instead of env.execute(), but only get the result of `sqlUpdate`, and result of `DataStream.addSink` is missed. 1. How to get both the results in mixed SQL/DataStream use cases, maybe change all RichSinkFunction into a UpsertTable works. Is there another simple way to do this? 2. It seems like env.getExecutionPlan only returns DAG of DataStream API now, so how to get the whole DAG like env.getExecutionPlan() in 1.9.1. Thanks for ur reply.
You can still convert the datastream to table and register it with method void TableEnvironment.createTemporaryView(String path, Table view) Then create a StatementSet with StatementSet TableEnvironment.createStatementSet(), With the StatementSet, you can execute multiple insert statements altogether, and then submit the job with TableResult StatementSet.execute() izual <[hidden email]> 于2020年11月2日周一 上午11:28写道:
Hi, Danny: Thanks for your help. As in the question, some result was saved using DataStream API: ``` table.toAppendStream[Row].addSink(new MyStreamSink) class MyStreamSink extends RichSinkFunction[Row] { override def invoke(r: Row): Unit = { // save result } } ``` So if use `StatementSet.addInsert`, should I must use UpsertStreamTableSink and StreamTableSourceFactory to wrap the RichSinkFunction? Is there a way to keep using DataStream API in table environment? which is more expressive. At 2020-11-02 16:53:22, "Danny Chan" <[hidden email]> wrote:
You can still use the .sqlQuery(...) to create a common table there, then converts the table into a DataStream, with this DataStream, you can add the multiple sink functions you like. izual <[hidden email]> 于2020年11月2日周一 下午5:18写道:
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