How to read large amount of data from hive and write to redis, in a batch manner?

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How to read large amount of data from hive and write to redis, in a batch manner?

Yik San Chan
Hi community,

I have a Hive table that stores tens of millions rows of data. In my Flink job, I want to process the data in batch manner:

- Split the data into batches, each batch has (maybe) 10,000 rows.
- For each batch, call a batchPut() API on my redis client to dump in Redis.

Doing so in a streaming manner is not expected, as that will cause too many round trips between Flink workers and Redis.

Is there a way to do that? I find little clue in Flink docs, since almost all APIs feel better suited for streaming processing by default.

Thank you!

Yik San
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Re: How to read large amount of data from hive and write to redis, in a batch manner?

Piotr Nowojski-4

You could always buffer records in your sink function/operator, until a large enough batch is accumulated and upload the whole batch at once. Note that if you want to have at-least-once or exactly-once semantics, you would need to take care of those buffered records in one way or another. For example you could:
1. Buffer records on some in memory data structure (not Flink's state), and just make sure that those records are flushed to the underlying sink on `CheckpointedFunction#snapshotState()` calls
2. Buffer records on Flink's state (heap state backend or rocksdb - heap state backend would be the fastest with little overhead, but you can risk running out of memory), and that would easily give you exactly-once. That way your batch could span multiple checkpoints. 
3. Buffer/write records to temporary files, but in that case keep in mind that those files need to be persisted and recovered in case of failure and restart.
4. Ignore checkpointing and either always restart the job from scratch or accept some occasional data loss.

FYI, virtually every connector/sink is internally batching writes to some extent. Usually by doing option 1.


wt., 25 maj 2021 o 14:50 Yik San Chan <[hidden email]> napisał(a):
Hi community,

I have a Hive table that stores tens of millions rows of data. In my Flink job, I want to process the data in batch manner:

- Split the data into batches, each batch has (maybe) 10,000 rows.
- For each batch, call a batchPut() API on my redis client to dump in Redis.

Doing so in a streaming manner is not expected, as that will cause too many round trips between Flink workers and Redis.

Is there a way to do that? I find little clue in Flink docs, since almost all APIs feel better suited for streaming processing by default.

Thank you!

Yik San