Hi all, when i add some log in org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment( flink-streaming-java module ) and package flink-dist_2.11-1.10.0.jar, but it print nothing in jm or tm log. i did it like this: ``` public JobClient executeAsync(StreamGraph streamGraph) throws Exception { checkNotNull(streamGraph, "StreamGraph cannot be null."); checkNotNull(configuration.get(DeploymentOptions.TARGET), "No execution.target specified in your configuration file."); final PipelineExecutorFactory executorFactory = executorServiceLoader.getExecutorFactory(configuration); checkNotNull( executorFactory, "Cannot find compatible factory for specified execution.target (=%s)", configuration.get(DeploymentOptions.TARGET)); LOG.error("# Note >>> DeploymentOptions.TARGET : {}", DeploymentOptions.TARGET); ``` Do someone know how to add log in this java class Waiting for reply, Many Thanks |
Pls refer to conf/log4j.properties Polarisary <[hidden email]> 于2020年4月21日周二 上午11:08写道:
Hi, Lee
Flink ships with the following default properties files[1]:
If you want to print log to jm/tm log please use `import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;` to create `LOG` and config log4j.properties according your requirements(log level, log path…) Best, Leonard Xu
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