How to disconnect taskmanager via rest api?

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How to disconnect taskmanager via rest api?


We're running flink standalone cluster on k8s
when deleting a taskmanager pod manually, jobmanager should disconnect it immediately

however no such rest api available right now
we have to wait `akka.tcp.timeout` which means 30s later or more

What if I want to disconnect tm via rest api
Which way did you suggest ?

1. add disconnectTaskManager to org.apache.flink.runtime.dispatcher.Dispatcher
which means a new Interface
CompletableFuture<Acknowledge> disconnectTaskManager(JobID jobId, ResourceID resourceId);
in org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.RestfulGateway

2. Any other suggestions?

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Re: How to disconnect taskmanager via rest api?

Timo Walther
Hi Luan,

this sound more of a new feature request to me. Maybe you can already
open an issue for it.

I will loop in Chesnay in CC if there is some possibility to achieve
this already?


On 21.09.20 06:37, Luan Cooper wrote:

> Hi
> We're running flink standalone cluster on k8s
> when deleting a taskmanager pod manually, jobmanager *should disconnect
> it immediately*
> however no such rest api available right now
> we have to wait `akka.tcp.timeout` which means 30s later or more
> What if I want to disconnect tm via rest api
> Which way did you suggest ?
> 1. add disconnectTaskManager to
> org.apache.flink.runtime.dispatcher.Dispatcher
> which means a new Interface
> CompletableFuture<Acknowledge>disconnectTaskManager(JobID jobId, ResourceID resourceId);
> in org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.RestfulGateway
> 2. Any other suggestions?
> Thanks

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Re: How to disconnect taskmanager via rest api?

I'll create a new issue for this feature on github

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 11:51 PM Timo Walther <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Luan,

this sound more of a new feature request to me. Maybe you can already
open an issue for it.

I will loop in Chesnay in CC if there is some possibility to achieve
this already?


On 21.09.20 06:37, Luan Cooper wrote:
> Hi
> We're running flink standalone cluster on k8s
> when deleting a taskmanager pod manually, jobmanager *should disconnect
> it immediately*
> however no such rest api available right now
> we have to wait `akka.tcp.timeout` which means 30s later or more
> What if I want to disconnect tm via rest api
> Which way did you suggest ?
> 1. add disconnectTaskManager to
> org.apache.flink.runtime.dispatcher.Dispatcher
> which means a new Interface
> CompletableFuture<Acknowledge>disconnectTaskManager(JobID jobId, ResourceID resourceId);
> in org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.RestfulGateway
> 2. Any other suggestions?
> Thanks

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Re: How to disconnect taskmanager via rest api?

Yang Wang
I think this is an interesting feature, especially when deploying Flink standalone clusters on K8s.
The TaskManager pods are started/stopped externally via kubectl or other tools. When we need to stop 
a TaskManager pod, even though the pod is deleted quickly, we have to wait for a timeout so that it
disappears in the JobManager.

Only the ActiveResourceManager(e.g. YarnResourceManager, KubernetesResourceManager) have
the ability to allocate/release TaskManagers. Maybe in the standalone mode, we need to make the
TaskManager could deregister themselves during stop.


Luan Cooper <[hidden email]> 于2020年9月23日周三 下午4:30写道:
I'll create a new issue for this feature on github

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 11:51 PM Timo Walther <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Luan,

this sound more of a new feature request to me. Maybe you can already
open an issue for it.

I will loop in Chesnay in CC if there is some possibility to achieve
this already?


On 21.09.20 06:37, Luan Cooper wrote:
> Hi
> We're running flink standalone cluster on k8s
> when deleting a taskmanager pod manually, jobmanager *should disconnect
> it immediately*
> however no such rest api available right now
> we have to wait `akka.tcp.timeout` which means 30s later or more
> What if I want to disconnect tm via rest api
> Which way did you suggest ?
> 1. add disconnectTaskManager to
> org.apache.flink.runtime.dispatcher.Dispatcher
> which means a new Interface
> CompletableFuture<Acknowledge>disconnectTaskManager(JobID jobId, ResourceID resourceId);
> in org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.RestfulGateway
> 2. Any other suggestions?
> Thanks