How flink assigns task slots to the streams of the same app?

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How flink assigns task slots to the streams of the same app?

Jinhua Luo
Hi All,

I start an app which contains multiple streams, and I found some
stream of them get processed very slow, which uses keyBy() and the
number of key would be up to million, and I also found all streams
share only one task slot. Is it possible to assign more slots to the
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Re: How flink assigns task slots to the streams of the same app?

Timo Walther
Hi Jinhua,

you need to set a higher parallelism to your application when submitting
your application. You can also set it via env.setParallelism() or even
on an operator level map.setParallelism().

The number of task slots must be greater or equals to the parallelism of
your application, otherwise the submission fails.

I hope that helps.


Am 12/18/17 um 2:11 PM schrieb Jinhua Luo:
> Hi All,
> I start an app which contains multiple streams, and I found some
> stream of them get processed very slow, which uses keyBy() and the
> number of key would be up to million, and I also found all streams
> share only one task slot. Is it possible to assign more slots to the
> app?