How can generation dataset in flink automatic depend on number of filed and data type

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How can generation dataset in flink automatic depend on number of filed and data type

I want write program flink on any database
user input filed and type of filed and
when read database want generate  automatic function  dataset

any example in flink i want database and write function to handles this
final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

                // get input data
                DataSet<Lineitem> lineitems = getLineitemDataSet(env);
                DataSet<Order> orders = getOrdersDataSet(env);
                DataSet<Customer> customers = getCustomerDataSet(env);

        // *************************************************************************
        //     DATA TYPES
        // *************************************************************************
        public static class Lineitem extends Tuple4<Long, Double, Double, String> {

                public Long getOrderkey() { return this.f0; }
                public Double getDiscount() { return this.f2; }
                public Double getExtendedprice() { return this.f1; }
                public String getShipdate() { return this.f3; }

        public static class Customer extends Tuple2<Long, String> {
                public Long getCustKey() { return this.f0; }
                public String getMktsegment() { return this.f1; }

        public static class Order extends Tuple4<Long, Long, String, Long> {
                public Long getOrderKey() { return this.f0; }
                public Long getCustKey() { return this.f1; }
                public String getOrderdate() { return this.f2; }
                public Long getShippriority() { return this.f3; }

I want generate this automatic for any database and input from user
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Re: How can generation dataset in flink automatic depend on number of filed and data type


do you want to read from a JDBC database?
What exactly do you mean by "automatic function"?

In general, I think you can read rows from a JDBC database and then use a map function to transform the rows from that database into a custom datatype (POJO).


On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 4:24 PM, hagersaleh <[hidden email]> wrote:
I want write program flink on any database
user input filed and type of filed and
when read database want generate  automatic function  dataset

any example in flink i want database and write function to handles this
final ExecutionEnvironment env =

                // get input data
                DataSet<Lineitem> lineitems = getLineitemDataSet(env);
                DataSet<Order> orders = getOrdersDataSet(env);
                DataSet<Customer> customers = getCustomerDataSet(env);

        //     DATA TYPES

        public static class Lineitem extends Tuple4<Long, Double, Double,
String> {

                public Long getOrderkey() { return this.f0; }
                public Double getDiscount() { return this.f2; }
                public Double getExtendedprice() { return this.f1; }
                public String getShipdate() { return this.f3; }

        public static class Customer extends Tuple2<Long, String> {

                public Long getCustKey() { return this.f0; }
                public String getMktsegment() { return this.f1; }

        public static class Order extends Tuple4<Long, Long, String, Long> {

                public Long getOrderKey() { return this.f0; }
                public Long getCustKey() { return this.f1; }
                public String getOrderdate() { return this.f2; }
                public Long getShippriority() { return this.f3; }

I want generate this automatic for any database and input from user

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Re: How can generation dataset in flink automatic depend on number of filed and data type

 user input csv file for database and Filed Name and Data type for all filed
then i want generate dataset function for handles this
because want use this in all input file not custom file