How Do i Serialize a class using default kryo and protobuf in scala

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How Do i Serialize a class using default kryo and protobuf in scala

I have some case class which have primitive as well as nested class objects
hence if I add any more variable in class savepoint does not restore I read
if I can add kyroserializer on those class using google protobuf  I will be
able to serialize it from state. Can anyone please share any example in
scala for the same.

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Re: How Do i Serialize a class using default kryo and protobuf in scala

Timo Walther

would Apache Avro be an option for you? Because this is currently still
the best supported format when it comes to schema upgrades as far as I
know. Maybe Gordon in CC can give your some additional hints.


On 18.02.20 10:38, ApoorvK wrote:

> I have some case class which have primitive as well as nested class objects
> hence if I add any more variable in class savepoint does not restore I read
> if I can add kyroserializer on those class using google protobuf  I will be
> able to serialize it from state. Can anyone please share any example in
> scala for the same.
> --
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