Handling back pressure in Flink.

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Handling back pressure in Flink.

Mich Talebzadeh

In spark one can handle back pressure by setting the spark conf parameter:


With backpressure you make Spark Streaming application stable, i.e. receives data only as fast as it can process it. In general one needs to ensure that your microbatching processing time is less that your batch interval, i.e the rate that your producer sends data into Kafka. For example this is shown in Spark GUI below for batch interval = 2 seconds


Is there such procedure in Flink please?


Dr Mich Talebzadeh


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回复:Handling back pressure in Flink.

Hi Mich,

From flink-1.5.0 the network flow control is improved by credit-based mechanism whichs handles backpressure better than before. The producer sends data based on the number of available buffers(credit) onconsumer side. If processing time on consumer side is slower than producing time on producer side, the data will be cached on outqueue and inqueue memories of both side which may trigger back pressure the producer side. You can increase the number of credits on consumer side to relieve back pressure. Eventhough the back pressure happens, the application is still stable (will not cause OOM). I think you should not worry about that. Normally it is better to consider TPS of both sides and set the proper paralellism to avoid back pressure to some extent.

发件人:Mich Talebzadeh <[hidden email]>
发送时间:2018年7月4日(星期三) 20:40
收件人:user <[hidden email]>
主 题:Handling back pressure in Flink.


In spark one can handle back pressure by setting the spark conf parameter:


With backpressure you make Spark Streaming application stable, i.e. receives data only as fast as it can process it. In general one needs to ensure that your microbatching processing time is less that your batch interval, i.e the rate that your producer sends data into Kafka. For example this is shown in Spark GUI below for batch interval = 2 seconds


Is there such procedure in Flink please?


Dr Mich Talebzadeh


LinkedIn  https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=AAEAAAAWh2gBxianrbJd6zP6AcPCCdOABUrV8Pw



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