I use flink1.10.1 sql to connect hbase1.4.3. When inset into hbase, report an error like validateSchemaAndApplyImplicitCast. Means that the Query Schema and Sink Schema are inconsistent. Mainly Row (EXPR$0) in Query Schema, which are all expressions. Sink Schema is Row(device_id). I don't know how to write in sql to be consistent with hbase's sink schema. I try to write sql like select device_id as rowkey, ROW( device_id as [cannot write as] ) as f1 error message as follow: sample code like: HBase sink ddl: String ddlSource = "CREATE TABLE test_hive_catalog.test_dim.dw_common_mobile_device_user_mapping (\n" + " rowkey STRING,\n" + " f1 ROW< \n" + " device_id STRING,\n" + " pass_id STRING,\n" + " first_date STRING,\n" + " first_channel_id STRING,\n" + " first_app_version STRING,\n" + " first_server_time STRING,\n" + " first_server_hour STRING,\n" + " first_ip_location STRING,\n" + " first_login_time STRING,\n" + " sys_can_uninstall STRING,\n" + " update_date STRING,\n" + " server_time BIGINT,\n" + " last_pass_id STRING,\n" + " last_channel_id STRING,\n" + " last_app_version STRING,\n" + " last_date STRING,\n" + " os STRING,\n" + " attribution_channel_id STRING,\n" + " attribution_first_date STRING,\n" + " p_product STRING,\n" + " p_project STRING,\n" + " p_dt STRING\n" + " >\n" + ") WITH (\n" + " 'connector.type' = 'hbase',\n" + " 'connector.version' = '1.4.3',\n" + // 即使绕过语法编译,换其他版本的hbase,还是有问题,如线上的版本就不行 " 'connector.table-name' = 'dw_common_mobile_device_user_mapping_new',\n" + " 'connector.zookeeper.quorum' = '"+ zookeeperServers +"',\n" + " 'connector.zookeeper.znode.parent' = '/hbase143',\n" + " 'connector.write.buffer-flush.max-size' = '2mb',\n" + " 'connector.write.buffer-flush.max-rows' = '1000',\n" + " 'connector.write.buffer-flush.interval' = '2s'\n" + ")"; insert into sql: String bodyAndLocalSql = "" + // "insert into test_hive_catalog.test_dim.dw_common_mobile_device_user_mapping " + "SELECT CAST(rowkey AS STRING) AS rowkey, " + " ROW(" + " device_id, pass_id, first_date, first_channel_id, first_app_version, first_server_time, first_server_hour, first_ip_location, first_login_time, sys_can_uninstall, update_date, server_time, last_pass_id, last_channel_id, last_app_version, last_date, os, attribution_channel_id, attribution_first_date, p_product, p_project, p_dt " + ") AS f1" + " FROM " + "(" + " SELECT " + " MD5(CONCAT_WS('|', kafka.uid, kafka.p_product, kafka.p_project)) AS rowkey, " + " kafka.uid AS device_id " + ",kafka.pass_id " + // first_date ",CASE WHEN COALESCE(hbase.server_time, 0) <= kafka.server_time " + // 新用户 " THEN FROM_UNIXTIME(kafka.server_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') " + // 老用户 " ELSE hbase.first_date END AS first_date " + // first_channel_id ",CASE WHEN COALESCE(hbase.server_time, 0) <= kafka.server_time " + // 新用户 " THEN kafka.wlb_channel_id" + // 老用户 " ELSE hbase.first_channel_id END AS first_channel_id " + // first_app_version ",CASE WHEN COALESCE(hbase.server_time, 0) <= kafka.server_time " + // 新用户 " THEN kafka.app_version " + // 老用户 " ELSE hbase.first_app_version END AS first_app_version " + // first_server_time ",CASE WHEN COALESCE(hbase.server_time, 0) <= kafka.server_time " + // 新用户 " THEN FROM_UNIXTIME(kafka.server_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') " + // 老用户 " ELSE hbase.first_server_time END AS first_server_time " + // first_server_hour ",CASE WHEN COALESCE(hbase.server_time, 0) <= kafka.server_time " + // 新用户 " THEN FROM_UNIXTIME(kafka.server_time, 'HH') " + // 老用户 " ELSE hbase.first_server_hour END AS first_server_hour " + // first_ip_location ",CASE WHEN COALESCE(hbase.server_time, 0) <= kafka.server_time " + // 新用户 " THEN kafka.ip_location " + // 老用户 " ELSE hbase.first_ip_location END AS first_ip_location " + // first_login_time ",CASE WHEN COALESCE(hbase.server_time, 0) <= kafka.server_time " + // 新用户 " THEN FROM_UNIXTIME(kafka.server_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') " + // 老用户 " ELSE hbase.first_login_time END AS first_login_time " + ",kafka.sys_can_uninstall " + // update_date ",CASE WHEN hbase.pass_id = 0 " + " THEN CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(kafka.server_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS string) " + " END AS update_date " + // VARCHAR(2000) // server_time ",kafka.server_time" + ", kafka.pass_id AS last_pass_id" + ", kafka.wlb_channel_id AS last_channel_id" + ", kafka.app_version AS last_app_version" + ", CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(kafka.server_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS STRING) AS last_date" + // VARCHAR(2000) ", kafka.os" + ", hbase.attribution_channel_id" + ", hbase.attribution_first_date" + ", kafka.p_product" + ", kafka.p_project" + ", kafka.p_dt" + " FROM test_hive_catalog.test_ods.test_ods_header AS kafka " + " FULL JOIN test_hive_catalog.test_dim.dw_common_mobile_device_user_mapping AS hbase " + " ON kafka.uid = hbase.device_id " + // TODO 这里uid,后面要改成device_id " WHERE kafka.is_body=1 AND kafka.is_local=1" + ")"; |
Hi, Jim
Could you post error message in text that contains the entire schema of query and sink? I doubt there are some fields type were mismatched. Best, Leonard Xu
I suspect there are some inconsistency in the nullability of the whole record field, can you compare the 2 schema and see the diff ? For a table, you can get the TableSchema first and print it out.
Danny Chan
在 2020年7月16日 +0800 AM10:56,Leonard Xu <[hidden email]>,写道:
Hi, Jim |
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