Grok and Flink

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Grok and Flink

Aarti Gupta

We are using the Grok filter in Logstash to parse and enrich our data. Grok provides inbuilt parsing for common log sources such as Apache, this allows us to add structure to unstructured data.

After the data has been parsed in Logstash, we then stream the data over Kafka to Flink for further CEP processing. 

We are looking to see if we can get rid of the Logstash piece and do all of the data enrichment and parsing in Flink.  

Our question - does Flink have an inbuilt library similar to Grok that provides out of the box parsing for common log formats. 

Thanks in advance,

Aarti Gupta
Director, Engineering, Correlation




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Re: Grok and Flink

Lehuede sebastien

To parse my logs and reuse all my Grok pattern, i use the Java Grok API directly in my DataStream. Please see :

With that you should be able to get rid of the full Logstash piece and use only the Grok part.

Another solution, for example if you have logs/events in CEF Format, you can just use 'split' in the flatmap function for example.

Hope will help.

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Re: Grok and Flink

Aarti Gupta
Interesting, thanks Lehuede. Will take a look. 


On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 5:59 PM, Lehuede sebastien <[hidden email]> wrote:

To parse my logs and reuse all my Grok pattern, i use the Java Grok API directly in my DataStream. Please see :

With that you should be able to get rid of the full Logstash piece and use only the Grok part.

Another solution, for example if you have logs/events in CEF Format, you can just use 'split' in the flatmap function for example.

Hope will help.


Aarti Gupta
Director, Engineering, Correlation




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