Good tutorial troubleshoot and reading logs

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Good tutorial troubleshoot and reading logs

Hi there,

I see there is a good page tutorial out there that explains flink's
logging.  Specifically I am seeing hung jobs and would like to
understand more about what is causing the jobs to hang.  Also more
details about the checkpoint logging.

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Re: Good tutorial troubleshoot and reading logs

Hi Noah,

sadly there's no generic guide on how to approach Flink logs. 
What exactly do you mean by "the job hangs"?
Did you verify via the metrics that it is not making any progress anymore at all? If so, are all operators affected, or just some?

If your Flink cluster really is stuck, and you are certain that the sources are receiving data, then I'd suggest to to a ThreadDump of some TaskManagers to see where they are stuck.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2020 at 11:09 PM Noah <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi there,

I see there is a good page tutorial out there that explains flink's
logging.  Specifically I am seeing hung jobs and would like to
understand more about what is causing the jobs to hang.  Also more
details about the checkpoint logging.
