Fwd: Kubernetes Job Cluster, does it autoterminate?

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Fwd: Kubernetes Job Cluster, does it autoterminate?

Ruben Laguna

First time user , I'm just evaluating Flink at the moment, and I was
reading https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/ops/deployment/kubernetes.html#deploy-job-cluster
and I don't fully understand if a Job Cluster will autoterminate after
the job is completed (for at batch job) ?

The examples look to me like  like the task manager pods will continue
running as it's configured as Deployment.

So is there any way to achieve "autotermination" or am I supposed to
monitor the job status externally (like from airflow) and delete the
JobManager and TaskManager kubernetes resources from there?

/Rubén Laguna
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Re: Kubernetes Job Cluster, does it autoterminate?

Hi Ruben,
thanks for reaching out to us. Flink's native Kubernetes Application mode [1] might be what you're looking for.


On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 11:50 AM Ruben Laguna <[hidden email]> wrote:

First time user , I'm just evaluating Flink at the moment, and I was
reading https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/ops/deployment/kubernetes.html#deploy-job-cluster
and I don't fully understand if a Job Cluster will autoterminate after
the job is completed (for at batch job) ?

The examples look to me like  like the task manager pods will continue
running as it's configured as Deployment.

So is there any way to achieve "autotermination" or am I supposed to
monitor the job status externally (like from airflow) and delete the
JobManager and TaskManager kubernetes resources from there?

/Rubén Laguna
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Re: Kubernetes Job Cluster, does it autoterminate?

Yang Wang
I second Matthias's suggestion.

If you are using the "standalone Flink on K8s", then you need some external tools(e.g. K8s operator[1][2])
to help with the lifecycle management.

Also we have the native Kubernetes integration, all the K8s resources will be cleaned up automatically
when the Flink job finished/failed/cancelled.


Matthias Pohl <[hidden email]> 于2020年10月29日周四 上午5:05写道:
Hi Ruben,
thanks for reaching out to us. Flink's native Kubernetes Application mode [1] might be what you're looking for.


On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 11:50 AM Ruben Laguna <[hidden email]> wrote:

First time user , I'm just evaluating Flink at the moment, and I was
reading https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/ops/deployment/kubernetes.html#deploy-job-cluster
and I don't fully understand if a Job Cluster will autoterminate after
the job is completed (for at batch job) ?

The examples look to me like  like the task manager pods will continue
running as it's configured as Deployment.

So is there any way to achieve "autotermination" or am I supposed to
monitor the job status externally (like from airflow) and delete the
JobManager and TaskManager kubernetes resources from there?

/Rubén Laguna