Hi Olga,
At the moment Flink does not have any embedded support for multi region deployment or failover.
You can try to automate it, for example, using savepoints [1] and backing them up in multiple data centres.
This way you could restore failed job in other regions from the latest savepoint.
Of course, job input/output should be also available in multiple data centres.
Flink does not have any embedded encryption mechanism for state.
The state value is just de-serialisable byte array for Flink.
For example, you can implement custom TypeSerializer [2] or wrap existing one with encryption.
Does Flink support multiple data center implementation and failover procedures in case one of the data centers goes down?
Another question I have is about data encryption. If application state which needs to be checkpointed contains data elements which are considered to be a personally identifiable information, or maybe some credit card information, do you provide any encryption mechanisms to make sure that this data will be secured?
Thank you very much,