Hi guys, I’ve got a question about working with checkpointing.
I would like to implement IT test, where source is a fixed collection of items and sink performs additional logic, when checkpointing is completed. I would like to force executing checkpointing, when all messages from my test source were sent and processed by sink. Please tell me, whether such logic could be performed or not, and how. Thx ! |
You could trigger a savepoint, which from the viewpoint of
sources/operators/sinks is the same thing as a checkpoint. How to do this depends a bit on how your test case is written, but you can take a look at the SavepointMigrationTestBase#executeAndSavepoint which is all about running josb and triggering savepoints once certain conditions have been met. On 30.10.2017 16:01, Rinat wrote: > Hi guys, I’ve got a question about working with checkpointing. > I would like to implement IT test, where source is a fixed collection of items and sink performs additional logic, when checkpointing is completed. > > I would like to force executing checkpointing, when all messages from my test source were sent and processed by sink. > Please tell me, whether such logic could be performed or not, and how. > > Thx ! |
Chesnay, thanks for your reply, it was very helpful, but I took logic from this test template and tried to reuse it in my IT case, but found one more issue.
I’ve registered an accumulator in my source function, and for it’s value, as specified in the specified example. When accumulator has an expected value, I perform a savepoint and wait for it’s completion using the further code ActorGateway jobManager = (ActorGateway) Await.result(cluster.leaderGateway().future(), DEADLINE.timeLeft()); Afterwards, if failures haven’t been detected I cancels my job and shutdowns cluster. I found, that checkpoint method notifyCheckpointComplete not always called, before the savepointResult is ready. So the part of my logic, that lives in implementation of this method doesn’t work and test fails. So could you or someone explain, does Flink guaranties, that notifyCheckpointComplete method will be called before savepointResult will become accessable. For me, it’s rather strange behaviour and I think that I’m doing something wrong. Thx.
Do you verify that savepointResult is a
JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepointSuccess? It could also be
JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepointFailure. (instanceof check)
On 02.11.2017 19:11, Rinat wrote: Chesnay, thanks for your reply, it was very helpful, but I took logic from this test template and tried to reuse it in my IT case, but found one more issue.
Yes, but notifyCheckpointComplete callback doesn’t called on await completion, I do the same, as in specified test template :
ActorGateway jobManager = (ActorGateway) Await.result(cluster.leaderGateway().future(), DEADLINE.timeLeft()); Future<Object> savepointResultFuture = jobManager.ask(new JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepoint( jobId, Option.<String>empty()), DEADLINE.timeLeft() ); while(!savepointResultFuture.isCompleted()) { System.out.println(); } Object savepointResult = Await.result(savepointResultFuture, DEADLINE.timeLeft()); if (savepointResult instanceof JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepointFailure) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Something went wrong while executing savepoint, [message=%s]", ((JobManagerMessages.TriggerSavepointFailure) savepointResult).cause() )); } Thx
hmm. While there is technically
no guarantee that notifyCheckpointComplete is called, it virtually
always is,
especially in local setups. Is it possible for you to share more code (or all of it)? (you can also send it to me directly) On 07.11.2017 11:58, Rinat wrote: Yes, but notifyCheckpointComplete callback doesn’t called on await completion, I do the same, as in specified test template :
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