I submitted a job through CLI by issuing the below command
./bin/flink run -c org.apache.flink.quickstart.RideTest /home/pradeep/ApacheFlink/flink-java-project/target/flink-java-project-0.1.jar
I could see the job got submitted and running in the web interface (localhost:8081). But the job is not ending. It is stuck in 'running' for long time. Also the job is not printing anything on the console.
In RideTest.java main method, I am doing the following.
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
DataStream<TaxiRide> rides = env.addSource( new TaxiRideSource("/home/pradeep/ApacheFlink/data/nycTaxiRides.gz", 60, 600));
DataStream<TaxiRide> filteredRides= rides.filter(new NYCFilter());
env.execute("Apache Flink Example");
Any help is highly appreciated.