Hi Soheil,
Since you are not using any container orchestration framework(e.g. docker-compose, Kubernetes,
mesos), so you need to manually update the flink-conf.yaml in your docker images. Usually, it is
located in the path "/opt/flink/conf".
Docker volume also could be used to override the flink configuration when you start the jobmanager
and taskmanager containers[1].
I need to set up a Flink cluster using the docker(and not using the docker-compose). I successfully could strat the jobmanager and taskmanager but the problem is I have no idea how to change the default configuration for them. For example in the case of giving 8 slots to the taskmanager or change the memory size of both jobmanager and taskmanager.
It will be appreciated if somebody tells me how to change the Flink parameters on docker