Flink behavior when one of the kafka sinks fails or is not properly dimensioned.

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Flink behavior when one of the kafka sinks fails or is not properly dimensioned.

Hi folks!

I have a couple of questions on Flink's behaviour when writing to more than one sink and overall things to look out when operating 500+ sinks. I am starting my Flink journey so want to get inputs to two questions from the community.

Challenge: Need to route incoming events to 500 different kafka topics.   Main Kafka Stream->Flink->Kafka Topic1 |Kafka Topic 2, etc... 500 Fafka Sinks.


1- Assuming flink can't deliver to one of the Kafka Sinks due a Kafka cluster issue for that sink, what will be Flink's behavior when it comes to the other 499 Kafka sinks?

2- Assuming one of the Kafka Sinks is not properly dimensioned, how will Flink behave in case of slowness in 1 of the Sinks. Can I expect that Flink willl what will apply backpressure. Is the only way to avoid one sink from impacting through backpressure (assuming enough memory to account for any needed buffering) all other sinks to have 500 individual jobs that consume from main kafka and then write to a single sink?  

Thank you,

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Re: Flink behavior when one of the kafka sinks fails or is not properly dimensioned.

Till Rohrmann
Hi MS,

1. If a sink cannot send the data to Kafka it will make the sink fail and trigger a Flink failover. Depending on your topology this will also cause the other sink tasks to be restarted because they are all consuming from the same producing task. If you want to tolerate failures, then you can call FlinkKafkaProducer.setLogFailuresOnly(true) to disable the fail behaviour.

2. If you have 500 sinks consuming from the same upstream producer, then a single slow sink will eventually back pressure all other sinks. The way to avoid this problem is to run separate jobs for every sink as you have proposed.


On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 7:48 PM FF NR <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi folks!

I have a couple of questions on Flink's behaviour when writing to more than one sink and overall things to look out when operating 500+ sinks. I am starting my Flink journey so want to get inputs to two questions from the community.

Challenge: Need to route incoming events to 500 different kafka topics.   Main Kafka Stream->Flink->Kafka Topic1 |Kafka Topic 2, etc... 500 Fafka Sinks.


1- Assuming flink can't deliver to one of the Kafka Sinks due a Kafka cluster issue for that sink, what will be Flink's behavior when it comes to the other 499 Kafka sinks?

2- Assuming one of the Kafka Sinks is not properly dimensioned, how will Flink behave in case of slowness in 1 of the Sinks. Can I expect that Flink willl what will apply backpressure. Is the only way to avoid one sink from impacting through backpressure (assuming enough memory to account for any needed buffering) all other sinks to have 500 individual jobs that consume from main kafka and then write to a single sink?  

Thank you,