Flink and SQL

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Flink and SQL

Davran Muzafarov


I could not find the way to reuse table names.


tableEnv = TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(env);



Table table = ....

tableEnv.registerTable( "table1", table );

Table table = tableEnv.sql( "select * from table1" );




Is it possible to "unregister" table or replace it with another one?



Thank you.

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Re: Flink and SQL

Timo Walther
Hi Davran,

unregistering tables is not possible at the moment. I have created an issue for this: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-4288


Am 29/07/16 um 20:24 schrieb Davran Muzafarov:


I could not find the way to reuse table names.


tableEnv = TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(env);



Table table = ....

tableEnv.registerTable( "table1", table );

Table table = tableEnv.sql( "select * from table1" );




Is it possible to "unregister" table or replace it with another one?



Thank you.

Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards

Timo Walther 

Follow me: @twalthr