Please check the logs in yours flink stream app to see if there is some issues connecting yarn resourcemanager.
I also encounted the issue when run flink stream in yarn with HA and we have discussed the issue in the preceding months,please check the issue mail url in the below.
http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/flink-user/201710.mbox/%3CCAC27z=Povyq2OFimHdiOFd_E_hS7MVE7ttd8xn=[hidden email]%3E
发送时间:2018年1月28日(星期日) 14:37
主 题:Flink Yarn session
I've set up a Hadoop HA cluster and I want to run Flink applications on YARN. The elaborated problem is in StackOverflow:
Please help!