Flink Standalone Service

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Flink Standalone Service

Daniel Skates

Hi all,

Is there a init.d or similar service script for Flink on Redhat (or Centos) 7?  Mostly I'm just wanting to make sure when my server restarts, Flink starts up again, but being able to check the status would also be awesome.



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Re: Flink Standalone Service

Hi Daniel,

if you install the flink RPMs (or DEBs) from Apache Bigtop, they should come with init.d or service files.

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 6:10 PM, Daniel Skates <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi all,

Is there a init.d or similar service script for Flink on Redhat (or Centos) 7?  Mostly I'm just wanting to make sure when my server restarts, Flink starts up again, but being able to check the status would also be awesome.

