Hi Henry,
In most SQL conventions, single quotes are for Strings, while double quotes are for identifiers.
Best, Xingcan
Hi Experts, When I am running the following SQL in FLink 1.6.2, I got org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.impl.ParseException select BUYER_ID, AMOUNT, concat( from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(CREATE_TIME, 'EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy'),'yyyyMMdd'), case when 1>= 10 and 1<= 21 then "02"
else "01” end ) as date12 from vip_order
but when I use single quotes , such as ’02’ , it does not complain anything, it is a bit wired, because normally in SQL user can use double quotation or single quotation equally. I want to know it is a Flink limitation or a bug? If it is a limitation, why? Thank you.
Best Henry