Flink Minimal requirements

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Flink Minimal requirements

Hi all,
well this may be a little bit strange question, but are there any minimal
machine requirements (memory size, CPU etc) and  non functional requirements
(number of nodes, network ports ports, etc) for Flink?

I know it all boils down to what my deployed Job will be, but if we just
could put this aside for a moment and focus on a bare minimum just for

Probably we can say that Flink requires minim 2 nodes right?
What about minimal memory needed for Flink runtime. How many threads Flink's
runtime is using.

Any thought about this one?


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Re: Flink Minimal requirements

HiĀ Kristof,

Flink doesn't have any specific requirements.
You can run Flink on a single node with just one core. The number of threads is dynamic.

However, you'll probably want to configure memory usage if the default values are greater than what the actual machine has.


On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 9:02 AM KristoffSC <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,
well this may be a little bit strange question, but are there any minimal
machine requirements (memory size, CPU etc) andĀ  non functional requirements
(number of nodes, network ports ports, etc) for Flink?

I know it all boils down to what my deployed Job will be, but if we just
could put this aside for a moment and focus on a bare minimum just for

Probably we can say that Flink requires minim 2 nodes right?
What about minimal memory needed for Flink runtime. How many threads Flink's
runtime is using.

Any thought about this one?


Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/