Flink Mesos task management

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Flink Mesos task management

Jared Stehler
Is there a way to direct the mesos application master to scale task manager tasks up or down, or to redeploy them? For example, when I want to roll out a new docker image for task managers?

Jared Stehler
Chief Architect - Intellify Learning
o: 617.701.6330 x703

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Re: Flink Mesos task management

Till Rohrmann
Hi Jared,

the way to solve this problem at the moment is to take a savepoint of your job, restart the cluster with the updated Docker image and then resubmit the job starting from the most recent savepoint. The same applies when you want to change the parallelism of your job.

We are currently working on improving Flink's dynamic scaling capabilities such that you have a command which let's you directly scale up or down a job. Depending on the available resources this also will allocate or deallocate new tasks from Mesos/Yarn.


On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:32 PM, Jared Stehler <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is there a way to direct the mesos application master to scale task manager tasks up or down, or to redeploy them? For example, when I want to roll out a new docker image for task managers?

Jared Stehler
Chief Architect - Intellify Learning
o: <a href="tel:617.701.6330%20x703" value="+16177016330">617.701.6330 x703