Based on where this line of code is, it is hard to get the full stack trace, as in the
LOG.error("Cannot update accumulators for job {}.", getJobID(), e);
does not get us the full stack trace....
Though it is true that the Accumulator did not have a serialVersionUID. I would double check. I though would think this should not be a recoverable error ?
It's hard to tell without more info.
From the method that threw the exception it looked like it was trying to deserialize the accumulator. By any chance did you change your accumulator class but forgot to update the serialVersionUID? Just wondering if it is trying to deserialize to a different class definition.
A more detailed stscktrace (maybe with debug on) will help.
I see tons of
org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionGraph - Cannot update accumulators for job 7bfe57bb0ed1c5c2f4f40c2fccaab50d.