Flink 1.3 REST API wrapper for Scala

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Flink 1.3 REST API wrapper for Scala

Michael Reid
I'm currently working on a project where I need to manage jobs programmatically without being tied to Flink, so I wrote a small, asynchronous Scala wrapper around the Flink REST API. I decided to open source the project in case anyone else needs something similar. Source is at https://github.com/mjreid/flink-rest-scala-wrapper , library is available on maven central at com.github.mjreid:flink-wrapper_2.11:0.0.1.

Currently it supports basic job management functionality (uploading JARs, starting jobs, cancelling jobs) and a few of the job monitoring REST endpoints. There are a few monitoring endpoints which I didn't need for my use case, so they aren't implemented right now, but I would be happy to implement them if there's any interest. Any comments and/or feedback is appreciated!


- Mike
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Re: Flink 1.3 REST API wrapper for Scala

Flavio Pompermaier
Nice lib! Is it available also on maven central?

On 13 Jun 2017 4:36 am, "Michael Reid" <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm currently working on a project where I need to manage jobs programmatically without being tied to Flink, so I wrote a small, asynchronous Scala wrapper around the Flink REST API. I decided to open source the project in case anyone else needs something similar. Source is at https://github.com/mjreid/flink-rest-scala-wrapper , library is available on maven central at com.github.mjreid:flink-wrapper_2.11:0.0.1.

Currently it supports basic job management functionality (uploading JARs, starting jobs, cancelling jobs) and a few of the job monitoring REST endpoints. There are a few monitoring endpoints which I didn't need for my use case, so they aren't implemented right now, but I would be happy to implement them if there's any interest. Any comments and/or feedback is appreciated!


- Mike
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Re: Flink 1.3 REST API wrapper for Scala

Michael Reid
Thanks! Yes, it's available now on Maven Central - https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22flink-wrapper_2.11%22 The README on Github has directions on how to add the project via SBT.

- Mike

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 9:45 PM Flavio Pompermaier <[hidden email]> wrote:
Nice lib! Is it available also on maven central?

On 13 Jun 2017 4:36 am, "Michael Reid" <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm currently working on a project where I need to manage jobs programmatically without being tied to Flink, so I wrote a small, asynchronous Scala wrapper around the Flink REST API. I decided to open source the project in case anyone else needs something similar. Source is at https://github.com/mjreid/flink-rest-scala-wrapper , library is available on maven central at com.github.mjreid:flink-wrapper_2.11:0.0.1.

Currently it supports basic job management functionality (uploading JARs, starting jobs, cancelling jobs) and a few of the job monitoring REST endpoints. There are a few monitoring endpoints which I didn't need for my use case, so they aren't implemented right now, but I would be happy to implement them if there's any interest. Any comments and/or feedback is appreciated!


- Mike