Flink 1.11 Sql client environment yaml

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Flink 1.11 Sql client environment yaml

Lian Jiang

I am experimenting Flink SQL by following https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.11/dev/table/sqlClient.html. I want to set up an environment yaml to query Kafka data (json in avro format). Where can I find the information below?

1. use GenericInMemoryCatalog (e.g. type, settings)
2. use Kafka schema registry for schema. The example hard code the schema in env yaml.
3. other than UDF, is there a way to easily query a deeply nested json in Flink SQL?

Appreciate your help!


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Re: Flink 1.11 Sql client environment yaml

godfrey he

GenericInMemoryCatalog does not support settings now, 
or you can refer to [1] for supported catalog details
and you can refer to [2] to supported types details.

"Kafka schema registry for schema" is under discussion [3], 
which can be ready in 1.12.

sql client supports DDL to create a table with json format [4],
you can use ROW type to define nested json.
for example:

create table my_table (
  f varchar,
  nest_column row<
    a varchar,
    b int,
    c int
) with (


Lian Jiang <[hidden email]> 于2020年7月18日周六 上午6:28写道:

I am experimenting Flink SQL by following https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.11/dev/table/sqlClient.html. I want to set up an environment yaml to query Kafka data (json in avro format). Where can I find the information below?

1. use GenericInMemoryCatalog (e.g. type, settings)
2. use Kafka schema registry for schema. The example hard code the schema in env yaml.
3. other than UDF, is there a way to easily query a deeply nested json in Flink SQL?

Appreciate your help!
