I'm thinking about implementing FileSystemHaServices - single leader, but persistent RunningJobRegistry, CheckpointIDCounter, CompletedCheckpointStore and JobGraphStore. I'm not sure do you need FileSystemBlobStore or VoidBlobStore is enough. Can't figure out,
should BlobStore survive JobManager crash. I see that ZookeeperHaServices use FileSystemBlobStore, but not
clear is to due to having multiple JobManagers (leader + follower) or necessity to preserve BLOBs on restart.
Alexey |
Hello Alexey, I think you need FileSystemBlobStore as you are implementing HA Services, and BLOBs should be highly available too. However, I'm a bit concerned about the direction in general: it essentially means re-implementing ZK functionality on top of FS. What are the motivation and the use case? Regards,
Roman On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 5:15 PM Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> wrote:
Motivation is to have k8s HA setup without extra component - Zookeeper, see [1]
Purpose of BlobStore is vague to me, what kind of BLOBs are stored? Looks like
if we start job from savepoint, then persistence of BlobStore is not necessary, but is it needed if we recover from checkpoint?
From: Khachatryan Roman <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 9:24 AM To: Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> Cc: Flink User Mail List <[hidden email]> Subject: Re: FileSystemHaServices and BlobStore Hello Alexey,
I think you need FileSystemBlobStore as you are implementing HA Services, and BLOBs should be highly available too.
However, I'm a bit concerned about the direction in general: it essentially means re-implementing ZK functionality on top of FS.
What are the motivation and the use case?
Roman On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 5:15 PM Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> wrote:
Did test with streaming job and FileSystemHaService using VoidBlobStore (no HA Blob), looks like job was able
to recover from both JM restart and TM restart. Any idea in what use cases HA Blob is needed?
From: Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 11:31 AM To: Khachatryan Roman <[hidden email]> Cc: Flink User Mail List <[hidden email]> Subject: Re: FileSystemHaServices and BlobStore Motivation is to have k8s HA setup without extra component - Zookeeper, see [1]
Purpose of BlobStore is vague to me, what kind of BLOBs are stored? Looks like
if we start job from savepoint, then persistence of BlobStore is not necessary, but is it needed if we recover from checkpoint?
From: Khachatryan Roman <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 9:24 AM To: Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> Cc: Flink User Mail List <[hidden email]> Subject: Re: FileSystemHaServices and BlobStore Hello Alexey,
I think you need FileSystemBlobStore as you are implementing HA Services, and BLOBs should be highly available too.
However, I'm a bit concerned about the direction in general: it essentially means re-implementing ZK functionality on top of FS.
What are the motivation and the use case?
Roman On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 5:15 PM Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> wrote:
+ dev Blob store is used for jars, serialized job, and task information and logs. You can find some information at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-19%3A+Improved+BLOB+storage+architecture I guess in your setup, Flink was able to pick up local files. HA setup presumes that Flink can survive the loss of that JM host and its local files. I'm not sure about K8s native setup - probably VoidBlobStore is enough if there is a persistent volume. But in the general case, FileSystemBlobStore should be used to store files on some DFS. Regards,
Roman On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 6:42 PM Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Alexey, Glad to hear that your are interested the K8s HA support. "FileSystemBlobStore" is trying to store the user jars, job graph, etc. on the distributed storage(e.g. HDFS, S3, GFS). So when the JobManager failover, it could fetch the blob data from remote storage. It is very important for standalone and Yarn deployment since the local blob store is ephemeral and will be cleaned up after JobManager terminated. However, in your case, benefit from the K8s persistent volume, all the local blob data could be recovered after JobManager pod restarted. Then you could find that the jobs are recovered and keeps to running. Please also remember that the checkpoint meta and counter also need to be stored in local file. After then the Flink job could recover from the latest checkpoint successfully. > About the FileSystemHaService I am a little skeptical about this feature. Currently, we are using K8s deployment for the JobManager. And it is not always guaranteed only one JobManager is running. For example, the kubelet is down and never be pulled up again. I am trying to work on another ticket "native K8s HA"[1], in which we will get a fully functional HA service, including leader election/retrieval, jobgraph meta store, checkpoint meta store, running registry, etc. It could be used for standalone K8s and native K8s deployment. Best, Yang Khachatryan Roman <[hidden email]> 于2020年8月31日周一 下午8:52写道: + dev |
Judging from FLIP-19 (thank you Roman for the link), of 3 use cases (jars, RPC messages and log files) only jar files need HA guarantee, and in my particular case, job cluster with jar as part of image, it seems doesn't matter, I guess it explains why in my
test I was able to recover from failure even VoidBlobStore. I also use StatefulSet instead of Deployment
From: Yang Wang <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 1:58 AM To: dev <[hidden email]> Cc: Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]>; Flink User Mail List <[hidden email]> Subject: Re: FileSystemHaServices and BlobStore Hi Alexey,
Glad to hear that your are interested the K8s HA support.
"FileSystemBlobStore" is trying to store the user jars, job graph, etc. on the distributed storage(e.g. HDFS, S3, GFS). So when the
JobManager failover, it could fetch the blob data from remote storage. It is very important for standalone and Yarn deployment since
the local blob store is ephemeral and will be cleaned up after JobManager terminated.
However, in your case, benefit from the K8s persistent volume, all the local blob data could be recovered after JobManager pod restarted.
Then you could find that the jobs are recovered and keeps to running. Please also remember that the checkpoint meta and counter also
need to be stored in local file. After then the Flink job could recover from the latest checkpoint successfully.
> About the FileSystemHaService
I am a little skeptical about this feature. Currently, we are using K8s deployment for the JobManager. And it is not always guaranteed only
one JobManager is running. For example, the kubelet is down and never be pulled up again. I am trying to work on another ticket "native K8s HA"[1],
in which we will get a fully functional HA service, including leader election/retrieval, jobgraph meta store, checkpoint meta store, running registry, etc.
It could be used for standalone K8s and native K8s deployment.
Khachatryan Roman <[hidden email]> 于2020年8月31日周一 下午8:52写道:
+ dev |
Hi Alexey, bundle of services for Flink HA support on K8s. The user jars could be built into the image or downloaded by init-container or mount via the PV. So they do not need to be recovered from HA storage. But i think the checkpoint path and counter should be persisted so that we could recover from the latest checkpoint. Best, Yang Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> 于2020年9月2日周三 上午7:36写道:
Hi Yang,
Yes, I’ve persisted CompletedCheckpointStore, CheckpointIDCounter and RunningJobsRegistry
From: Yang Wang <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 8:21:20 PM To: Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> Cc: dev <[hidden email]>; Flink User Mail List <[hidden email]> Subject: Re: FileSystemHaServices and BlobStore Hi Alexey,
bundle of services for Flink HA support on K8s. The user jars could be built into the image or downloaded by init-container
or mount via the PV. So they do not need to be recovered from HA storage. But i think the checkpoint path and counter
should be persisted so that we could recover from the latest checkpoint.
Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> 于2020年9月2日周三 上午7:36写道:
Hi Alexey, I have created FLIP-144[1] for the native Kubernetes HA support. Please have a look if you are interested. Frankly speaking, I am not against the "StatefulSet + PV + FileSystemHAService". Maybe in the future, we could have the both in Flink. Best, Yang Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> 于2020年9月3日周四 下午11:44写道:
Hi Yang,
I saw this FLIP, it is very good feature, I think overall for Kubernetes, it is preferred over “StatefulSet
+ PV + FileSystemHAService” approach, when it will be available we plan to use it. On other hand looks like FileSystemHAService
is easier to implement, I thought about contributing to FileSystemHAService, maybe it will be useful to someone
else until FLIP-144 will be available
From: Yang Wang <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 8:25 PM To: Alexey Trenikhun Cc: dev; Flink User Mail List Subject: Re: FileSystemHaServices and BlobStore Hi Alexey,
I have created FLIP-144[1] for the native Kubernetes HA support. Please have a look if you are interested.
Frankly speaking, I am not against the "StatefulSet + PV + FileSystemHAService". Maybe in the future,
we could have the both in Flink.
Alexey Trenikhun <[hidden email]> 于2020年9月3日周四 下午11:44写道:
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