Did you make any modifications to the Flink scripts in order to get
log4j2 to work with Flink 1.10?
IIRC we had to modify the scripts when we migrated to log4j2 in 1.11; if
this is done incorrectly it could break thing.
Do all Flink processes have this issue, or only TaskExecutors?
Can you provide us with the full exception?
On 23/06/2020 15:43, Thms Hmm wrote:
> Hey all,
> we are currently migrating our Flink jobs from v1.9.1 to v1.10.1. The
> code has been migrated as well as our Docker images (deploying on K8s
> using standalone mode). Now an issue occurs if we use log4j2 and the
> Kafka Appender which was working before. There are a lot of errors
> regarding "Failed to load a file system via service"
> (NoClassDefFoundError) which lead me searching in this direction. But
> as soon as I removed the Kafka Appender config from log4j it is
> working again and all other exceptions disappeared.
> In the logs there is also an exception regarding Kafkas
> "ByteArraySerializer Class could not be found". The Kafka Clients is
> still stored within the lib/ directory but I think it is not loaded.
> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> Regards Thomas