[External] Flink StreamingFileSink not ingesting to S3 when checkpointing is disabled

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[External] Flink StreamingFileSink not ingesting to S3 when checkpointing is disabled

Vishal Sharma

Hello everyone,

I want to use aws s3 as sink for a data stream in flink. I am using StreamingFileSink class to create a sink.

I don't need checkpointing for my job, but when I disable checkpointing, data is no longer written to S3.

case 1 : checkpointing enabled
When checkpointing is enabled, the data is successfully ingested to the mentioned s3 path.

case 2 : checkpointing disabled
When checkpointing is disabled, the data is not written to s3. 

I tried executing the job multiple times, but every time I got the same result. I am facing this on local machine as well as on kubernetes cluster. 

Following is a code I tried having bounded stream - 

object FlinkTestJob {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment

    // with checkpointing enabled

    // Sinks
    val streamStrings: Seq[String] =
      Seq("test1", "test2", "test3", "test4", "test5", "test6", "test7", "test8", "test9", "test10")

    val testStream = env.fromCollection(streamStrings)

    val rollingPolicy = new RollingPolicy[String, String] {

      override def shouldRollOnCheckpoint(partFileState: PartFileInfo[String]): Boolean =
        partFileState.getSize > 1

      override def shouldRollOnEvent(
          partFileState: PartFileInfo[String],
          element: String): Boolean = true

      override def shouldRollOnProcessingTime(
          partFileState: PartFileInfo[String],
          currentTime: Long): Boolean = true

    val sink: StreamingFileSink[String] = StreamingFileSink
      .forRowFormat(new Path("s3a://testbucket/sink"), new SimpleStringEncoder[String]("UTF-8"))


When I write to s3 using "writeAsText("s3a://testbucket/sink")" instead of StreamingFileSink, it works perfectly fine regardless of whether or not checkpointing is enabled.

Flink version : 1.8.0
I want to understand the relation between checkpointing and StreamingFileSink.

- Thanks

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Re: [External] Flink StreamingFileSink not ingesting to S3 when checkpointing is disabled

Timothy Victor
You must have checkpointing enabled to use the StreamingFileSink.  The feature relies on CP for achieving exactly once semantics.

>>  This is integrated with the checkpointing mechanism to provide exactly once semantics.


On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 9:27 PM Vishal Sharma <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I want to use aws s3 as sink for a data stream in flink. I am using StreamingFileSink class to create a sink.

I don't need checkpointing for my job, but when I disable checkpointing, data is no longer written to S3.

case 1 : checkpointing enabled
When checkpointing is enabled, the data is successfully ingested to the mentioned s3 path.

case 2 : checkpointing disabled
When checkpointing is disabled, the data is not written to s3. 

I tried executing the job multiple times, but every time I got the same result. I am facing this on local machine as well as on kubernetes cluster. 

Following is a code I tried having bounded stream - 

object FlinkTestJob {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment

    // with checkpointing enabled

    // Sinks
    val streamStrings: Seq[String] =
      Seq("test1", "test2", "test3", "test4", "test5", "test6", "test7", "test8", "test9", "test10")

    val testStream = env.fromCollection(streamStrings)

    val rollingPolicy = new RollingPolicy[String, String] {

      override def shouldRollOnCheckpoint(partFileState: PartFileInfo[String]): Boolean =
        partFileState.getSize > 1

      override def shouldRollOnEvent(
          partFileState: PartFileInfo[String],
          element: String): Boolean = true

      override def shouldRollOnProcessingTime(
          partFileState: PartFileInfo[String],
          currentTime: Long): Boolean = true

    val sink: StreamingFileSink[String] = StreamingFileSink
      .forRowFormat(new Path("s3a://testbucket/sink"), new SimpleStringEncoder[String]("UTF-8"))


When I write to s3 using "writeAsText("s3a://testbucket/sink")" instead of StreamingFileSink, it works perfectly fine regardless of whether or not checkpointing is enabled.

Flink version : 1.8.0
I want to understand the relation between checkpointing and StreamingFileSink.

- Thanks

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