Exactly-once ambiguities

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Exactly-once ambiguities

Mohammad NM
Dear Flink team,
I have some ambiguity when it comes to Flink's exactly-once guaranteeing.
1. Based on what I understand, when a failure occurs, some events will be replayed which causes them to appear twice in the computations. I cannot realize how the two-phase commit protocol can avoid this problem and guarantee exactly-once. I expected to find a description of a mechanism for detecting and ignoring duplicate events in the documentation, although I got the two-phase commit protocol issuing something utterly different.
2. Regarding the event-time processing and watermarking, I have got that if an event will be received late, after the allowed lateness time, it will be dropped even though I think it is an antithesis of exactly-once semantic.
I will be thankful if I receive your valuable description so that I can remove my ambiguities.
Yours faithfully,
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Re: Exactly-once ambiguities

Yun Tang
Hi Mohammad

I expected to find a description of a mechanism for detecting and ignoring duplicate events in the documentation, although I got the two-phase commit protocol issuing something utterly different.
Flink would not detect and ignore duplicate events when processing them but ensure checkpoint could avoid duplicate event stored via exactly-once mechanism with replayable source. If we want end-to-end exactly once, Flink need the sink-connector could provide the ability to support exactly once visibility and the main solution is two-phase commit protocol. Data might be sent to exactly-once sink twice but only be committed as visible when two-phase commit notified which is triggered by Flink's checkpoint mechanism.

Regarding the event-time processing and watermarking, I have got that if an event will be received late, after the allowed lateness time, it will be dropped even though I think it is an antithesis of exactly-once semantic.
Yes, allowed lateness is a compromise between exactly-once semantic and acceptable delay of streaming application. Flink cannot ensure all data sources could generate data without any late which is not the scope of a streaming system should do. If you really need to the exactly once in event-time processing in this scenario, I suggest to run a batch job later to consume all data source and use that result as a credible one. For processing-time data, use Flink to generate a credible result is enough.

Yun Tang

From: Mohammad NM <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2019 2:41
To: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
Subject: Exactly-once ambiguities
Dear Flink team,
I have some ambiguity when it comes to Flink's exactly-once guaranteeing.
1. Based on what I understand, when a failure occurs, some events will be replayed which causes them to appear twice in the computations. I cannot realize how the two-phase commit protocol can avoid this problem and guarantee exactly-once. I expected to find a description of a mechanism for detecting and ignoring duplicate events in the documentation, although I got the two-phase commit protocol issuing something utterly different.
2. Regarding the event-time processing and watermarking, I have got that if an event will be received late, after the allowed lateness time, it will be dropped even though I think it is an antithesis of exactly-once semantic.
I will be thankful if I receive your valuable description so that I can remove my ambiguities.
Yours faithfully,
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Re: Exactly-once ambiguities

Alessandro Solimando
Regarding the event-time processing and watermarking, I have got that if an event will be received late, after the allowed lateness time, it will be dropped even though I think it is an antithesis of exactly-once semantic.
Yes, allowed lateness is a compromise between exactly-once semantic and acceptable delay of streaming application. Flink cannot ensure all data sources could generate data without any late which is not the scope of a streaming system should do. If you really need to the exactly once in event-time processing in this scenario, I suggest to run a batch job later to consume all data source and use that result as a credible one. For processing-time data, use Flink to generate a credible result is enough.

The default behavior is to drop late event, but you can tolerate as much lateness as you need via `allowedLateness()` (Window parameter) and re-trigger the window computation taking also into account late events. Of course the memory consumption increases at the increase of the allowed lateness, and in streaming scenarios you usually go for a sensible trade-off as Yun Tang was mentioning. To selectively store late events for further processing, you can use a custom `ProcessFunction` which sends late events to a SideOutput, and store them somewhere (e.g., HDFS).

Best regards,