Events triggering JobListener notification

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Events triggering JobListener notification

Barak Ben Nathan

Hi all,


I am using Flink 1.12.1


I’m building a system that creates/cancels Flink Jobs and monitors them.


We thought to use org.apache.flink.core.execution.JobListener as a ‘push’ mechanism for job-status-change events.


We based this idea on the documentation that stated that JobListener ‘…is notified on specific job status changed’


However,  from the JobListener’s methods ‘onJobSubmitted’, ‘onJobExecuted’, and their documentation, I understand that JobListener is not notified on *all* events.

E.g. :

Job failure (after it running for some time) or Job cancellation, will not cause JobListener to be notified.


Am I correct?




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Re: Events triggering JobListener notification

Arvid Heise-4
Hi Barak,

I think the answer to your question is lies in the javadoc:
* Callback on job execution finished, successfully or unsuccessfully. It is only called back
* when you call {@code execute()} instead of {@code executeAsync()} methods of execution
* environments.
* <p>Exactly one of the passed parameters is null, respectively for failure or success.
void onJobExecuted(
@Nullable JobExecutionResult jobExecutionResult, @Nullable Throwable throwable);

So this callback will be invoked even on failure and cancellation.

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 2:38 PM Barak Ben Nathan <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi all,


I am using Flink 1.12.1


I’m building a system that creates/cancels Flink Jobs and monitors them.


We thought to use org.apache.flink.core.execution.JobListener as a ‘push’ mechanism for job-status-change events.


We based this idea on the documentation that stated that JobListener ‘…is notified on specific job status changed’


However,  from the JobListener’s methods ‘onJobSubmitted’, ‘onJobExecuted’, and their documentation, I understand that JobListener is not notified on *all* events.

E.g. :

Job failure (after it running for some time) or Job cancellation, will not cause JobListener to be notified.


Am I correct?

