EventTimeSessionWindows giving different number of elements when used with different time gaps

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EventTimeSessionWindows giving different number of elements when used with different time gaps


I'm using EventTimeSessionWindows to create my session windows, and then I print the individual events using the apply function on the resultant WindowedStream.

I noticed that when I use
.window(EventTimeSessionWindows.withGap(Time.seconds(1))), I am able to process all my events, but when I use .window(EventTimeSessionWindows.withGap(Time.seconds(5))), I lose a few events (3-4). When I further increase the time gap to 30 seconds, I end up processing even fewer events (~60 fewer events are printed).

What can be the reason for this and how can I solve it?

This is a snippet of my main program -

val keyed = stream.map(e => (e.getHeader.getChannelSessionId, e))
                            .apply { (
                                         csId: String,
                                         window: TimeWindow,
                                         events: Iterable[(String, Event)],
                                         out: Collector[String]) => {
                                out.collect(sessionEventsProcessor.processEvents(events)) //I print the events from the iterable here

Thank you,