Different jobName per Job when reporting Flink metrics to PushGateway

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Different jobName per Job when reporting Flink metrics to PushGateway

Sidney Feiner

I'm using Flink 1.9.1 with PrometheusPushGateway to report my metrics. The jobName the metrics are reported with is defined in the flink-conf.yaml file which makes the jobName identical for all jobs who run on the cluster, but I want a different jobName to be reported for every running job. To do so, I tried doing the following in my code before executing the Stream:

Configuration conf = GlobalConfiguration.loadConfiguration();
            conf.getString("metrics.reporter.promgateway.jobName", "") + "-" + pipeline
    final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

When pipeline is a String variable.

When running the job locally, it worked. But now I'm running flink in High Availability mode and it doesn't work anymore :( The config I override in the code is ignored.

So how can I change the jobName per job? And if I can't, is there a way to set additional Labels when reporting the metrics? Because I haven't seen an option for that as well.

Thanks :)

I've posted this on StackOverflow as well - here :)

Sidney Feiner / Data Platform Developer
M: +972.528197720 / Skypesidney.feiner.startapp

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Re: Different jobName per Job when reporting Flink metrics to PushGateway

Zhu Zhu
Hi Sidney,

"metrics.reporter.promgateway.jobName" is a Flink cluster wide config, so you will need to set it in flink-conf.yaml before launching the Flink cluster. 
An alternative is to use -D(or -yD for yarn) params to override the config when running a command to launch the Flink session cluster or submit a job in job cluster mode.

Zhu Zhu

Sidney Feiner <[hidden email]> 于2019年12月17日周二 下午11:08写道:

I'm using Flink 1.9.1 with PrometheusPushGateway to report my metrics. The jobName the metrics are reported with is defined in the flink-conf.yaml file which makes the jobName identical for all jobs who run on the cluster, but I want a different jobName to be reported for every running job. To do so, I tried doing the following in my code before executing the Stream:

Configuration conf = GlobalConfiguration.loadConfiguration();
            conf.getString("metrics.reporter.promgateway.jobName", "") + "-" + pipeline
    final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

When pipeline is a String variable.

When running the job locally, it worked. But now I'm running flink in High Availability mode and it doesn't work anymore :( The config I override in the code is ignored.

So how can I change the jobName per job? And if I can't, is there a way to set additional Labels when reporting the metrics? Because I haven't seen an option for that as well.

Thanks :)

I've posted this on StackOverflow as well - here :)

Sidney Feiner / Data Platform Developer
M: +972.528197720 / Skypesidney.feiner.startapp