I’m currently using a delta iteration within a batch job and received the following error:
It looks like the job ran out of Flink managed memory. Can delta iterations not spill to disk?
Hi Joshua, that is correct. Delta iterations cannot spill to disk. The solution set is managed in an in-memory hash table.You can try to increase the managed memory size (tweaking managed memory vs. heap memory, increasing heap memory, ...) or add more resources and increase the parallelism. 2017-10-24 21:09 GMT+02:00 Joshua Griffith <[hidden email]>:
Hello Fabian,
Thank you for your response. I tried setting the solution set to unmanaged and got a different error:
I initially thought this was due to a null being present in the solution set tuple so I added assertions to ensure that tuple values were never null. However, I’m still getting the above error. Did changing it to unmanaged cause the tuples to
be serialized? Is there another reason aside from null values that this error might be thrown?
Thank you,
Hi Joshua, with the unmanaged solution set, the records are not serialized but they need to be copied to avoid them from being mutated by the user-code JoinFunction.The stacktrace hints that the NPE is caused by copying a null record. This would happen if the solution set would not contain the key. I was not sure if there is a restriction of the delta iteration that all keys must be present in the initial solution set. I tried to find this in the documentation but didn't see information on that. So I checked and was able to reproduce the problem. It is only possible to join the solution set with keys that are actually contained in the solution set. It's a bit surprising that this limitation is not documented and no proper exception is thrown. In fact it would be possible to avoid the exception by either: - not calling the join function (this would be inner join semantics) or - calling the join function with a null value (similar to an outer join). If created a JIRA issue [1] to track the problem. Best, Fabian 2017-10-25 16:58 GMT+02:00 Joshua Griffith <[hidden email]>:
Hi Fabian,
Switching the solution set join to a co-group indeed fixed the issue. Thank you!
Hi Joshua,
I am running into a similar problem. Can you explain your solution a bit more ? A code snippet will help. Thanks -- Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/ |
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