[DISCUSS] Apache Flink (1.14) Release cycle duration

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[DISCUSS] Apache Flink (1.14) Release cycle duration

Johannes Moser
Dear Flink Users,

We are already working on the Flink 1.14. release and currently, following the usual release cycle, aiming for a release early September.
You can follow the process in the Apache Flink wiki [1].
Within the dev mailing list the discussion appeared if we would want to push the release cycle by a month. [2]
There have been some voices backing this request to be forced to upgrade less often but also some to keep it (or even make it shorter) to have a more focussed development cycle.

We would like to get a broader view on existing opinions.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/1.14+Release
[2] https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r76e1cdba577c6f4d6c86b23fdaeb53c4e3744c20d0b3e850fc2e14a7%40%3Cdev.flink.apache.org%3E