Convergence criteria

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Convergence criteria

Attila Bernáth
Dear Developers,

I wonder if there is an example that shows how to use


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Re: Convergence criteria

Ufuk Celebi
Hey Attila,

I found a test case, which shows how to use it with connected components: ConnectedComponentsWithParametrizableConvergenceITCase [1].

The custom convergence criterion checks a threshold for the number of updated elements.

Does this help?

@all: Should we add a separate example?

– Ufuk


On 15 Oct 2014, at 13:21, Attila Bernáth <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Dear Developers,
> I wonder if there is an example that shows how to use
> org.apache.flink.api.common.aggregators.ConvergenceCriterion
> interface.
> Thanks!
> Attila

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Re: Convergence criteria

Attila Bernáth
Dear Ufuk,

Thanks for your answer and the link.

> @all: Should we add a separate example?
I think that would be helpful.
