CfP: LASCAR 2019 - Workshop on Large Scale RDF Analytics || @ESWC 2019 || 2nd – 6th June 2019 || Portorož, Slovenia

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CfP: LASCAR 2019 - Workshop on Large Scale RDF Analytics || @ESWC 2019 || 2nd – 6th June 2019 || Portorož, Slovenia


Dear all

**Apologies for cross-posting**

Call for Papers & Posters

ESWC -  Workshop on Large Scale RDF Analytics

*June 3, 2019*


Twitter: @lascarworkshop


LASCAR-19, Workshop on Large Scale RDF Analytics, at the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) seeks original “articles and posters” describing theoretical and practical methods as well as techniques for performing scalable analytics on knowledge graphs.

Call for Papers

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper and poster categories are welcome:

Full papers and Posters describing

- Decentralized KG data management including parsing, compression, partitioning and smart indexing

- Large scale KG enrichment using link prediction, entity resolution, entity disambiguation or similarity estimation

- Machine Learning e.g. clustering, blocking, or anomaly detection

- Complex analytics with distributed KG embeddings

- Connecting property Graphs with RDF and reasoning

- Use-cases presenting semantic technologies at industry scale

Important Dates

- Electronic submission of full papers: March 1st, 2019

- Notification of paper acceptance: March 29, 2019

- Camera-ready of accepted papers: April 12, 2019

- Workshop day: 3rd of June, 2019

Organizing committee

- Dr. Hajira Jabeen

- Dr. Damien Graux

- Dr. Muhammad Saleem

- Gezim Sejdiu

- Prof. Jens Lehmann


Gëzim Sejdiu


PhD Student & Research Associate

SDA, University of Bonn

Endenicher Allee 19a, 53115 Bonn, Germany

GitHub | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google Scholar

Gezim Sejdiu
PhD Student & Research Associate
SDA, University of Bonn
Endenicher Allee 19a, 53115 Bonn, Germany