Can not submit flink job via IP or VIP of jobmanager

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Can not submit flink job via IP or VIP of jobmanager

xie wei
Hello Flink team,

We use Flink on DCOS and have problems submitting a Flink job from within a container to the Flink cluster. Both the container and the Flink cluster are running inside DCOS, on different nodes.


We have the following setup: Flink was installed on DCOS using the package from the catalog. According to the Flink UI ([DCOS-URL]/service/flink/) the Flink job manager settings are:



    jobmanager.rpc.port          14503

    jobmanager.web.port                       14502

    mesos.artifact-server.port      14505


where "" is the host name of the DCOS node with IP on which the container with the job manager is running.


Furthermore for both the job manager RPC port and the job manager web port a VIP is configured:


job manager RPC port:

job manager Web port:



Now if we try to submit a Flink job to the job manager via the Flink cli performing the following steps:

1) log into the DCOS master node:

    dcos node ssh --leader --master-proxy

2) start an interactive session inside a Docker container using the Mesosphere Flink image:

    docker run --rm -it mesosphere/dcos-flink:1.4.2-1.0 /bin/bash

3) submit a Flink job to the Flink job manager:

    cd /flink-1.4.2

    ./bin/flink run -m examples/streaming/WordCount.jar


everything works fine. The job appears as an entry within the Flink UI and we get the results we expect.


But if we try to submit the same job to the job manager using the VIP of the job manager using:


    ./bin/flink run -m examples/streaming/WordCount.jar


or if we try to submit the job to the job manager using the IP of the DCOS node instead of its host name:


    ./bin/flink run -m examples/streaming/WordCount.jar


the job can not be submitted. Apparently the connection to the job manager can not be established and nothing appears within the Flink UI. You can find the output in attachment.

Submitting to the jobmanager using the URL from Mesos DNS is also not working.


Why this is not working or why we can only submit jobs using the hostname ( of the job manager and not the IP or the VIP?

Thank you!

Best regards


output.txt (5K) Download Attachment