****************************************************************************************** We apologize for cross-postings. We appreciate your great help in forwarding this CFP to your colleagues and friends. ****************************************************************************************** Call for Papers & Posters for the 2nd Workshop on Large Scale RDF Analytics (LASCAR-20), collocated with the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2020 Venue & Dates: Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 31st, 2020 Workshop Website: http://lascar.sda.tech [Topics of interest] LASCAR-20 seeks original articles and posters describing theoretical and practical methods as well as techniques for performing scalable analytics on knowledge graphs. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper and poster categories are welcome: * Decentralized KG data management including parsing, compression, partitioning and smart indexing * Large scale KG enrichment using link prediction, entity resolution, entity disambiguation or similarity estimation * Machine Learning e.g. clustering, blocking, or anomaly detection * Complex analytics with distributed KG embeddings * Connecting property Graphs with RDF and reasoning * Use-cases presenting semantic technologies at industry scale [Important Dates] Electronic submission of full papers: March 14th, 2020 Notification of paper acceptance: March 27th, 2020 Camera-ready of accepted papers: April 10th, 2020 Workshop day: May 31st, 2020 [Submission Guidelines] All papers should be formatted according to the standard LNCS Style. All papers will be peer reviewed using the single-blind approach. Authors of the accepted papers will be asked to register for the workshop and will have the opportunity to present and participate in the workshop. Long papers should not be longer than 10 pages including the references, and short papers should not exceed 6 pages, including all references. The accepted papers will be published online in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org). Proceedings will be available for download after the conference. The pre-print will be made available during the conference. The authors of the accepted posters will be invited to present their posters at the workshop. Please submit your work via EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lascar20) Dr. Hajira Jabeen Senior researcher, SDA, Universität Bonn. http://sda.cs.uni-bonn.de/people/dr-hajira-jabeen/ |
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