CDC for MS SQL Server

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CDC for MS SQL Server

John Smith
I see you have native connectors for Postgress and MySql. I also See a debezium connector.

1- I'm guessing if we want to uses MS SQL Server CDC we need to use the Deebezium connector?
2- If so, do we need to have the full debezium service running. Or it's as simple as the MySql and Postgres connectors?
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Re: CDC for MS SQL Server

Hey John,

I haven't worked with the flink-cdc-connectors [1] myself. But if you take the MySQL one as a template, it shouldn't be too difficult to adjust it to MS SQL server. If you are doing that work, it would be nice if you would contribute it back to the repo ;) 

I don't think that you need to have the full debezium service running.

On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 5:25 AM John Smith <[hidden email]> wrote:
I see you have native connectors for Postgress and MySql. I also See a debezium connector.

1- I'm guessing if we want to uses MS SQL Server CDC we need to use the Deebezium connector?
2- If so, do we need to have the full debezium service running. Or it's as simple as the MySql and Postgres connectors?