Best way to resolve bottlenecks with Flink?

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Best way to resolve bottlenecks with Flink?

My job has very slow throughput.  What are the best signals that will indicate if there are performance issues?

Is there an overall health summary that would indicate the most likely issues impacting performance?

I found a variety of pages and metrics.  I resolved some of the backpressure in my job.  I looked at memory issues.  My direct "Outside JVM" is full (but I'm not sure if that's normal).
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Re: Best way to resolve bottlenecks with Flink?

The closest thing is the backpressure status which you mentioned.
From there, you can troubleshoot specific subtasks by inspecting their metrics.
There is no health summary in Flink at the moment.


On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 5:35 AM Dan Hill <[hidden email]> wrote:
My job has very slow throughput.  What are the best signals that will indicate if there are performance issues?

Is there an overall health summary that would indicate the most likely issues impacting performance?

I found a variety of pages and metrics.  I resolved some of the backpressure in my job.  I looked at memory issues.  My direct "Outside JVM" is full (but I'm not sure if that's normal).