Backquote in SQL dialect

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Backquote in SQL dialect

Satyam Shekhar

I have been happily using Flink as the SQL engine for running streaming and batch queries. 

I am curious to understand the rationale behind Flink using backticks (`) for quoting purposes instead of standard double quotes ("). Is double-quote reserved for some other usage?

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Re: Backquote in SQL dialect

Timo Walther
Hi Satyam,

this has historical reasons. In the beginning all SQL queries were
embedded in Java programs and thus Java strings. So single quote was
handy for declaring SQL strings in a Java string and backticks for
escaping keywords. But I agree that we should make this configurable.
Feel free to open an issue for this in JIRA.


On 17.09.20 21:14, Satyam Shekhar wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been happily using Flink as the SQL engine for running streaming
> and batch queries.
> I am curious to understand the rationale behind Flink using backticks
> (`) for quoting purposes instead of standard double quotes ("). Is
> double-quote reserved for some other usage?
> Regards,
> Satyam