Avoiding duplicates in joined stream

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Avoiding duplicates in joined stream

Mohit Anchlia
What's the best way to avoid duplicates in joined stream. In below code I get duplicates of "A" because I have multiple of "A" in fileInput3.

SingleOutputStreamOperator<String> fileInput3 = streamEnv.fromElements("A", "A")





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Re: Avoiding duplicates in joined stream

Aljoscha Krettek

The problem with reduplication in a streaming pipeline is that you need to keep all data that you ever saw or do the de-duplication only on a window. You can do the first by writing a keyed FlatMap operation that keeps state and only emits an incoming element if it hasn't been seen so far. Something like this:

DataStream input = ...
DataStream deduped = input
  .keyBy(new MyKeySelector())
  .flatMap(new MyDedupingFlatMap())

Or you could do this on a window using .keyBy().window().reduce() (or apply())


On 16. Aug 2017, at 01:21, Mohit Anchlia <[hidden email]> wrote:

What's the best way to avoid duplicates in joined stream. In below code I get duplicates of "A" because I have multiple of "A" in fileInput3.

SingleOutputStreamOperator<String> fileInput3 = streamEnv.fromElements("A", "A")



